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Boze Narodzenie/Christmas :)



Delicious gingerbread cookies stuffed with marmalade.
Pyszne pierniczki nadziewane marmolada.

Meringue Snowmen.

Chocolate gingerbread cookies.

Cinnamon cookies with a hint of citrus

Gingerbread House :)

 Big Santa Claus cookie :)

Homemade gingerbread spice.
Domowa przyprawa do piernika.

I found this long time ago on my favorite blog "Moje Wypieki" Thank you Dorota :)
Use this spice for gingerbread cake, carrot cake,gingerbread cookies or any recipes called  for that spice.

50 g of cinnamon bark
20 g of dried ginger
15 g cloves, whole
15 g shelled seeds of cardamom
10 grams of nutmeg
10 g allspice
5 g of black pepper
5 g of shelled grains of star anise (not necessarily,not everyone likes the taste)
Grind all the ingredients in a coffee grinder (ideally), grate on fine grater or a pestle in a mortar.
If you don't have neither of those things to grind your spices,buy already ground spices.Weigh and mix it all together and  you're done:)
* 4 Tbsp spice per kilogram of flour.

Decorated with homemade marshmallow fondant.

Decorated with homemade marshmallow fondant.

Nowe "ciasteczka znaczki"
The new "cookie stamps"

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